Time for a Change

Time for a Change

Time for a Change

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

I'm not sure about everyone else, but it seems like I get bored with the way I look sometimes. What do I do? I decide to dye my hair some impossible-to-get-out colour. When I was younger, I'd get a piercing. I have accepted the fact that most significant others will not recognize a change in haircut or style, unless you shave your head. I mean at first, when you spend hours dying your hair or trying to look great for that special occasion, you will feel disappointed when no one comments or even looks your way. It seems that the hardest person to get over is yourself.

I, like many women, have come to terms that a lot of the expectations we have for our SOs have been ingrained into us from stereotypical chick flicks and childhood movies. Chances are that if you dance with a guy and you run out of the room and all he finds is your shoe? he will think you are crazy. Not every guy will notice a difference in your physical appearance, even if you told him hours before you saw each other that you had your haircut or went shopping. It's not important though, if you make changes to or around your body it should be for you, not the approval of others. Besides, they will be the ones upset that they missed out on noticing the new lingerie you bought.

Post written by Heather Whitney

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