June 8th, 2009
You always hear about the power of a woman’s scorn, but until you have actually experienced it, you will never know when you should actually be afraid. I have always thought that when we (women) are completely silent a certain amount of fear should register. There is an exception to this however, as we age there comes a realization that men PREFER when we are silent…an obvious change occurs, we get louder.
Besides, there is always that one article of clothing that you cannot stand. I suppose I can’t really complain too much, or try to change it really. You see, my father has many shirts with sayings on them, “Pedro’s pink tacos”, “You are sofa king we todded” and “I (heart) my bartender.” If I were to make an argument against certain clothing not only am I sure that those shirts would be used against me, but it may also encourage worse clothing. I will accept the gamer shirts over perv sayings any day.
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