I Love Lamp

I Love Lamp

I Love Lamp

August 4th, 2009

After being involved with someone for a long period of time you are bound to become comfortable. You will not guard your actions, consequently exposing your bad habits, personal quirks, and past experiences. However, this comfort, besides leading to appreciated silences, can also lead to the relationship finding itself in a rut. At the thought of losing something you have begun to care perhaps too much about, the panic beings. You start reaching out for anything that could stir some kind of emotion, fighting over the small things, ignoring the moments that should actually matter while becoming completely oblivious that you are single handedly destroying what you had intended to protect.

I personally believe that it's in the moments, the strength of a relationship, or even yourself, is tested. When it comes to relationships, you'll always be curious about how far someone's willing to go for you. You always want to feel like they're willing to fight for you, because let's face it, when your significant other loses the desire to work things out, there's trouble ahead. The panic will continue from reluctance to fight…which will lead to more arguments and all you will want is for the simple silences and comforts to return. We always seem to forget that there's no going back from this, sometimes when an argument occurs, it's to hide that you are giving up.

Despite all the drama, you can sometimes find yourself with a person who resorts to comedy to break those moments of panic, bringing you back to the reality of the situation, trying not to crack a smile at the jokes and recognizing the big picture. If you want to remain with someone, you have to be willing to go the distance for them too, even if it means dropping a fight. In a time of relationship counsellors, divorce lawyers, courts, and psychiatric prescriptions, laughter may truly be the best medicine.

Post written by Heather Whitney

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