Man Up

Man Up

Man Up

August 11th, 2009

Have you ever said a significant other’s pet name in front of a group of friends and then was constantly mocked since it occurred? Whether it be pookie, hunnie, baby, sweetie pie or schnookums, the pet name is something which is supposed to be left behind closed doors, not to be made entertainment for others. Don’t get me wrong, I have given and created many pet names, but somehow it just doesn’t have the same effect coming from the man on the subway who had overheard your conversation.

There comes a point however, when you not only make an attempt to not say pet names in front of friends, but also find yourself acting entirely different in social situations. Guys don’t want to lose that stereotypical masculinity in front of their guy friends by responding sweetly to texts. Myself and many other people understand that, but seriously, your friends have to know that you never refer to your girlfriend as “bitch.” Ever.

It is reasonable to act differently with someone you love, but after all the sleepless nights and endless fights you deserve to be able to lay down and and use cutesy names. Just please, not everyone needs to know them…or hear the pitch your voice can go to when stating them.

Post written by Heather Whitney

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