Float On

Float On

Float On

October 13th, 2009

We all get jealous. Some of us are just better at controlling it than others. However, there is a big difference between feeling those twangs of jealousy and being made to feel inadequate. For instance, if your significant other very rarely makes plans for the two of you, but will plan anything with their friends, it is very easy to understand why jealousy arises. An effort has to be made by both people to make each other feel wanted, or that there is no reason for insecurity in the first place. Anyone in a relationship can say their significant other has no reason to be jealous, but when it comes to certain situations, words should count for something. It isn’t hard to introduce your girlfriend to someone you run into, it isn’t hard to make plans, and it shouldn’t be hard to let them know you care.

Post written by Heather Whitney

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