October 20th, 2009
There comes a point in every relationship -well that I have been in anyways- where your significant other seems to not notice all those little things you contribute to the relationship. You could be that person who always makes breakfast in bed for their significant other, makes snacks when they are hungry, goes shopping when they need company, goes to the doctor when they are sick, helps to find important lost articles, hell, even lends them money. But when it comes to simple acts of reciprocity, they are somehow at a loss.
I have never fully understood where the line should be drawn in regards to showing that you care. No one ever wants to be that person who lists everything they do for someone else to get any kind of recognition. No one wants to think that they are better than their partner. But when it comes to missing anniversaries or other important dates to hang out with friends, something needs to be said.
I have yet to hear of a couple that got married and lived happily ever after when only one person realized how important it is to show you care. For everyone who happens to read this: saying you care and acting like it are two DIFFERENT things. You cannot say you care then show up late when you have plans with your partner or only recognize your preferences without considering anyone else. I know no matter how many times I can write in this blog about the importance of making someone else feel important, the majority of people will not apply it to themselves. With that being said, just to prove me wrong, apply it to yourself. Is there someone you have been with that doesn’t know how you feel? They are special enough to be with you, so make them feel appreciated.
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