Halloween '09 - Who is Your Big Daddy?

Halloween '09 - Who is Your Big Daddy?

Halloween '09 - Who is Your Big Daddy?

October 27th, 2009

Well girls, it’s that time of the year again where the vast majority of us wear far too little and drink far too much of our liquid courage just endure the cold air which rarely reaches bare skin this time of year. That’s right, Halloween is here, Or I guess it will still be technically as this is Tuesday’s comic. Regardless, my point still stands about women (myself included) dressing skimpy for the night… instead of frightening like Halloween’s intended purpose.

I have been going to the same friend’s Halloween party for about 4 years and truthfully the guys’ homemade costumes continue to get more hilarious each time, but the girls continue to buy the standard costumes, with the exception of a few of course. I say this year, we try to step it up a bit and destroy the guys’ costumes! No more pixies, nurses, or maids… I mean we can make something out of a cardboard box?

Post written by Heather Whitney

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