On the 8th Day of Christmas

On the 8th Day of Christmas

On the 8th Day of Christmas

December 18th, 2009

*YES, we know. There’s a typo in the comic. Supposed to be “You’re welcome!” Will be fixed eventually.

Eight days until Christmas! I know the majority of you are thinking that Boy can’t get any worse, but believe me…. he can.

When you think about this comic, you REALLY have to wonder why the hell Girl stays with him at all. Let’s go over some things we have learned from the previous comics:

Boy is rarely sweet, never goes out of his way for Girl, doesn’t take care of her when she needs it the most, constantly looks at other women, runs at the mention of a future, always puts himself first, and he doesn’t appreciate just how much Girl does for him.

I have a couple theories for Girl…

First: Girl is a masochist. She loves to be hurt and to begin trying again knowing that all her efforts are a waste.

Second: Girl believes Boy will learn and get better. I think this one is more foolish than the first. I mean, at least masochists know they will be hurt. After as long as Boy and Girl have been going out, if he isn’t better at caring by now… it’s not going to happen.

Third: Girl has just become used to the way Boy acts and doesn’t know there is anything better out there. There will always be that moment when you see another couple hugging or calling each other and you think to yourself “Why can’t my significant other do that?” It almost seems effortless when it’s someone else.

Fourth: Girl is so crazy about Boy she doesn’t even realize that to everyone else her life is a comic.

Post written by Heather Whitney

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